Boyesen Carbon Teck Reed Kits

Carbon Tech Reed Petals Carbon Tech Reed Petals

Don't settle for anything less than the best. Carbon Tech Reeds are made from aerospace grade 100% carbon fiber, meaning they last longer and give better performance than any other reed available. Boyesen Carbon Tech reeds are available in different tensions to suit the track and your riding style; Low Tensions (LT) are generally better for tight tracks, and High Tensions (HT) work better for long straights and wide open tracks.

Carbon Tech Reed Petals are made from aerospace grade 100% carbon fiber. Carbon Tech Reed Petals bolt directly to your stock reed cage without having to modify anything else on your sled. Not only do these reed petals increase the performance of your machine, they hold up to the strains of high performance snow mobile engines.

The ability to select from 1 of 3 specific variable reed petal tensions gives you the flexibility to increase horsepower within a more specific range of each engine’s power characteristic. Available in different tensions, Low Tension (LT), Mid Tension (MT), and High Tension (HT), Boyesen Carbon Tech Reeds will help your machine gain that extra edge without sacrificing reliability.

Low Tensions (LT)
Improve power delivery in the lower RPM ranges. Our low tension option is best suited for increasing response and initial acceleration.
Mid Tensions (MT)
Improve power delivery in the mid-range of your specific engine. Our mid tension option is best suited for increasing the overall power delivery of your engine.
High Tensions (HT
Improve power delivery in the upper RPM range of your specific engine. Our high tension option is best suited for increasing the maximum output of engines.